The Africa Watch

Defending Human Rights in Africa

Africa Watch is dedicated to covering news and analysis of developing events that concern human rights, international criminal law, and international humanitarian law in Africa.

What We Do:

The Africa Watch is dedicated to covering news and analysis of all matters that concern human rights and incidental concerns such as international criminal and humanitarian law. We collect and republish stories from across the content, as well as provide some legal analysis with two major goals:

  1. Ensuring that human rights situations are brought to the consciousness of all Africans
  2. Ensuring that all Africans acquire a greater awareness of their rights under the African human right system

Why We Do It:

Despite advancements made in the development of human rights in Africa, such as the entry into force of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the subsequent creation of several African Judicial bodies such as the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and so on, human rights abuses continue unabated across the African continent.

We believe that one of the reasons for this is the fact that human rights situations from around the continent are seldom published in the mainstream media. We hope to act as an agent of change, helping to ensure that human rights abuses are brought to mainstream awareness, making it harder for abusers to get away with their violations.

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